Version History
To update to the lastest version, simply uninstall Anaqsim on your computer and then reinstall using the latest version which can be downloaded using the link below. Your existing license should still be recognised. Please note, the email with your download link sometimes takes a couple of minutes to arrive.
Release 2024-2-0 (October 2024)
- Addition of Student license
- Fixed bug in ‘Set plot window to current view’ when using .dxf background maps
- Updated software and EULA to reflect transition of ownership to Practical Groundwater Ltd
Release 2024-1-0 (June 2024)
- Incorporated ability to plot convergence information for successful and failed runs
- Option to output to log file convergence progress at each iteration
- Additional automated run commands to write out initial head locations and corresponding head data
- Updated licensing to accommodate monthly and annual subscription licenses
- Updated licensing to allow for deactivation of license to re-activate on new computer
- Improved licensing error report if no read/write access to required folder due to admin rights
Release 2024-0-2 (3 March 2024)
- Bug fix – license server failing to respond
- Bug fix – bug when digitizing boundaries on computers set to use comma’s rather than periods as decimal separators
- Improved error reporting when a model is diverging
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