Version History

  • Release 2023-2-0 (18 December 2023)

    • Quick Designer and Deep Designer license options added, with expiry a year after purchase
    • Bug fix for exporting input files to Excel
    • Bug fix for time, step and period reporting of Head Dependent Line boundaries
  • Release 2023-1 (7 August 2023)

    • Parallel processing of matrix coefficients prior to solve algorithm at each timestep.  This reduces the time taken to solve.
    • Output to csv option incorporated for majority of outputs under ‘Analysis’ Menu, and when running automated from command line.
    • Batch processing option from command line which avoids the user interface from opening if running in fully automated mode.
  • Release 2022-2 (8 June 2022)

    • Installer includes the software publisher’s certificate
    • Added a button to the Coordinates window that reverses the order of vertices.  This is handy if you digitized a boundary in the opposite direction and want to reverse it.

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