Release 2019-1 (4 Feb 2019)

  • Fixed typo in display of drain vertex info
  • Changed interface plotting so the interface is shown in contours and profile plots when head is larger than the head at zero saturated thickness. It had been when head is larger than the head at the minimum saturated thickness, which left small gaps in the interface.
  • Made it so capture constrain only applies to pathlines traced downstream; upstream pathlines are always displayed
  • Write the name of initial heads file to the run log when solving with initial heads from file and not automated run
  • Fixed bug where if solution converges in the last iteration = max_iterations, it reported it non-converged when it actually converged
  • Fixed bug so transient model without any SVAS shows error message and loads completely (didn’t load completely before)
  • Add more digits of accuracy to head, discharges, etc. written to the output file to improve accuracy of parameter estimation (e.g. PEST) derivatives
  • Add ability to output Excel file with all model inputs in separate sheets of a *.xlsx file
  • Fixed bug that would sometimes display a black plot area after making a plot
  • Added popup labels for curves in chart plots
  • Changed color palette on charts so adjacent curves are easier to distinguish
  • Added Head Above – Head to cursor data displayed to left of plot
  • Eliminated the splash screen that displays when loading Anaqsim – it loads fast now and splash screen was nuisance with automated runs
  • Streamline plot-making. with one MakePlot menu item with current layer and time settings, another that allows you to choose layer and time
  • Added calibration points where simulated velocity and direction are compared to observed. Add these results to calibration plot and text output
  • Use parallel processing to speed up evaluation of functions for contours and vectors in plots (speed up larger for more cores in CPU)
  • Use parallel processing to speed up line, area, well, and circle pathline tracing (speed up larger for more cores in CPU)
  • Add analysis feature that writes the number of captured pathlines to run log, and include this in automated run outputs
  • Search for dxf basemap in the current input file (.anaq) directory in addition to searching the path specified in the “What to Plot” input
  • Allow user to name the initial head file, and have the name default to ***.hds file where *** is from the initial conditions model file name (it used to always use the transient model file name as the root)