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  • Release 2024-1-0 (June 2024)
    • Incorporated ability to plot convergence information for successful and failed runs
    • Option to output to log file convergence progress at each iteration
    • Additional automated run commands to write out initial head locations and corresponding head data
    • Updated licensing to accommodate monthly and annual subscription licenses
    • Updated licensing to allow for deactivation of license to re-activate on new computer
    • Improved licensing error report if no read/write access to required folder due to admin rights
  • Release 2024-0-2 (3 March 2024)
    • Bug fix – license server failing to respond
    • Bug fix – bug when digitizing boundaries on computers set to use comma’s rather than periods as decimal separators
    • Improved error reporting when a model is diverging
  • Release 2023-2-0 (18 December 2023)
    • Quick Designer and Deep Designer license options added, with expiry a year after purchase
    • Bug fix for exporting input files to Excel
    • Bug fix for time, step and period reporting of Head Dependent Line boundaries


Groundwater Science Textbook (3rd Edition) by Dr Charles Fitts.

Fitts Geosolutions founder Charles Fitts is the author of Anaqsim (analytic aquifer simulator), software for simulating groundwater. His renowned textbook, ‘Groundwater Science,’ is a staple in universities worldwide. The textbook thoroughly addresses the physical and chemical facets of groundwater, emphasizing its practical use in hydrogeology and effective water management.