Release 2018-2 (19 June 2018)

  • Fix bug in duplicate coordinates check when “0,0” is 2nd pair.
  • Fixed error in configuration file for 64-bit version (2018-1 wasn’t able to solve above 16,384 equation limit, 2018-2 can).
  • Fixed bug in head-head below in transient models.
  • Adjusted scroll wheel increments so they are 3x smaller, for finer control of zooming.
  • Report area of digitized closed polylines in addition to reporting length.
  • Report area of Vertical Leakage Polygon Area along with leakage rates to run log.
  • Modify all digitizing routines to catch and avoid crashes.
  • Fix black screen on make plot, an intermittent issue on some computers.
  • Put check into polyline digitizing that skips over duplicate coordinates at the digitizing stage.
  • Add vertical leakage polygon areas to Analysis inputs displayed.
  • Make it so hydrograph points, transient line condition lines, line for graph conditions along a line, and vertical leakage polygons can be graphically edited.
  • Changed routine that sets plot window to current view so it does just that, without adjusting it for the extent of current model elements.
  • When the Coordinates cell under What to Plot is blank, it zooms to the extent of the drawing (including basemap, if present), instead of just zooming to the model element extents.
  • Set Plot Window to Entire Model does just that, writing the model extent coordinates to the coordinates cell under What to Plot, instead of making the coordinates cell blank.